Sons of Liberty


Sadly, you sell your property and holdings in the colonies and set sail for England.  You feel bitter, but your family will be safe and peaceful.

Within a few years, war breaks out in the colonies.  Your oldest son is in the British army, and is sent to the colonies to fight.  He has risen to the rank of Major General, and is deployed at Bunker Hill. 

He and a thousand other British troops, many of them officers, die in the Battle of Bunker Hill.

You are gripped with sorrow that will follow you to your grave.

Was it the son of an old friend who killed your boy?  Did your son kill any of your old friends and neighbors?

You've never felt such sadness as you recall happier days in the colonies.  How could it come to this?

You cannot make a new life in England, and you eventually return to the states.  You visit your son's grave, then head west to establish a farm.

The farm is a success, and you once again feel part of the American land.

You only wish your son could enjoy it, too.



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